Well I decided it was about time I joined the blogger community. Jace and I have been married almost 5 months now! I thought everyone would like to know about our exciting life.
We have made two large investments so far that we are pretty proud of. We got a couch and a cat. The couch will be paid off soon hopefully, the cat was free, but she is has definitely cost more. We do adore our little Onyx but she is such a pest! We both have scratches all over our arms. She makes a mess of the house but she has us wrapped around her little paw. Onyx has cerebral palsey ( of course, of all the cats we could have chosen, we choose the one that is "special"). Everywhere she walks, her little backend betrays her. She tumbles all over the place. It is really cute. Just now she knocked over a bag of bells that Jace and I bought last night. We decided she needed a bell so we didn't step on her. Well, now we're just going to be stepping on a bunch of bells. This is really good practice for when we have actual children.